Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you
may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave
you. (Colossians 3:13)
My dearly Beloved,
Sometimes people out of their jealousy create
problems for others who do not mean harm at all. But
the devil takes their minds and hearts, induces it with
his poison and works his way to cause discord and
chaos. That is Satan’s way of disturbing the peace of
the God’s kingdom. He will strive hard to stop the
work of God from progressing further which is his
main motive. But the key to staying God’s will and
plan in such situation is to forgive and move forward.
Sinful thoughts, sinful words and sinful deeds bring
death. The soul that sins will die in the spiritual realm.
Such a soul cannot experience the presence of God.
This is God’s law. There are two kinds of wrongs. One
is sin and the other is transgression. Sin is some
mistake we do unknowingly. Transgression is wrong
deed which we do with full knowledge. Wrong deeds
that had been realized as once forgiven in the past and yet
repeating the same wrong deed again is transgression which
cannot be forgiven. But the Lord forgives not only the things
that we do without our knowledge but also the things that we
do willingly and grants us forgiveness of sin.
Beloved, it is never too late to repent and ask God to forgive
us our sins. At the same time, forgive those who have harmed
you and be free of bitterness and resentment. God always
loves a forgiving heart.
Dear Lord,
Please forgive me my sins and wash me with your precious
blood. Make me clean and create in me a clean heart. Fill me
with your peace Lord and help me to be like You. Father help
me always to live a life pleasing to you and forgive others that
I may always be in You perfect will. Thank You Lord!
In Jesus name
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