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Friday, May 6, 2016

CAESAR MUST BE STOPPED!!! by Olanrewaju Ogunubi


Before the war began, we had learned to live together in peace, tranquillity and harmony, helping one another build her cities. Bewitched by the magnetic glow of their daughters’ seductive facades, our sons soon became their suitors. Because of them, their alluring lies the lure in their land, our children deserted us, they wanted a greener pasture and so we became desolate. Before the war began, we shared a common goal, a common vision a common dream, our cities together flourished and would have created a formidable nation had the war been averted. Before the war began, our cities were the safest to abode; you could walk our street gazing upon the mysteries of nature’s artwork, even at witching ours. Our people ate bread, not flesh; they drank wine and never did they thirst for blood afore the war began.
Few weeks ago, our men, Justice, Truth and The Pen took to the street to denounce their horrendous reign, resist their forbidden policies, protest their open display of ineptitude, and to blow the whistle on their criminal acts. In their majority few, had they stormed the gates of the single-minded castles and self-centred chambers of deceit belonging to Caesar and his cabals chanting that sacred hymn of struggle, they had come to fight not only for theirs but for the people’s rights. And then right before my very eyes, Justice was brutally mutilated till the last breath escaped his strangled gullet, Truth was immediately incarcerated and The Pen had to borrow a leaf from Usain Bolt’s skill in other to survive. This was the parturition of the war.
Truth was a correspondent in one of the many broadcasting firms the city had, he is said to have aired sensitive reports of Caesar and his cabal’s illegal manipulation, bigotry, misappropriations, embezzlements, including others that cannot be said for safety reasons. Truth, who until his death was also a freelance writer, is said to have a sour aperture, little wonder they commonly admitted that Truth is bitter.
Justice once lodged in the hallowed chamber of Caesar, it was once the guiding principle at Caesar’s bench. When cheated by fellow villagers, or by Caesar himself, we could gallantly approach our magistrates demanding for nothing other than justice. The inability of Caesar’s government to neither withstand the veracity of truth nor behold the ferocious visage of Justice and on the other hand, the inability of both Truth and Justice to behold Caesar besiege our land with evil, laid the foundation that birth this war. But alas! Justice and Truth like forgotten tales have vaporized into memories, only The Pen survived to tell the acrimonious tail, and so it wrote…
The successful revolt of good against evil, the victory injustice had over justice, the coronation of lies and deceit as well as the incarceration of Truth, let them all be continually told afore the auricle of all that be and shall be, in this beautiful land of hope. Let these tales forever linger in the heart of all that abode the street of democracy, who still hope in Caesar’s government and his promise of a better tomorrow, let them not fail to forget how days of yore was by far better than today and how their leaders have openly refuted the truth and murdered justice.
Let them wail and mourn for tyranny is set to rule over them. However, instead of retiring to our caves, mourning the dawn of evil, we can trail the track of Justice and Truth; we can continue the struggle from where they stopped. We are not gods, but with an arsenal of unity and togetherness, we can put an end to the callous reign of Caesar.
While we continue to struggle against the forces of dismay, we should have at the back of our mind that Caesar must not be allowed victory in this war. Otherwise, the dead would have died for nothing and our children will dearly pay; never again shall they be judged by the letters of the law, but by the horrendous voice of Caesar, their homes, money and chattels shall at the decree of Caesar be confiscated. Their taxes shall upsurge at the highest possible rate, they shall eat, drink and be merry all at Caesar’s given directive, freedom and liberty shall soon fade away.
Then will they come to our graves hissing upon our carcasses, mocking our inability to defeat Caesar, “celebrating” our colossal failure, and tolerance for injustice. Unless we conquer Caesar, not in peace shall our bones rest. The labours of our gone heroes, their strive for freedom, their self-determination struggle, their exertion to open colonial cages and liberate from colonial nets shall not only be in vain but also prick the hearts of our gone ancestors. If they could overthrow colonialism, we can overthrow Caesar.
Although this war of truth against untruth, of evil against good, of justice against injustice seems to have no end and though it may appear as if the evil tyrant – Caesar – is on the verge of victory. However, we must continue as heralds of hope baring aloft that solemn torch of change, with which we shall pull down the fortress of Caesar, illuminate our darkened world and liberate our bewitched brothers and sisters who now stand with Caesar.
The assassination of Justice, we must avenge, Truth must again taste the aroma of freedom. Even when our bones are broken, and our spirit crushed, when the artilleries of Caesar pierce beyond our tender skin and bruise the innocence of our soul, we should not relent standing on angel’s side, even if we have to stand there alone. Democracy must once again be democratic, its core values restored and its undermined principles resuscitated, for this reason, Caesar must be brought to book.
Any leader or follower that stands in opposition to Truth, that prevents Justice from taking its due course is nothing but Caesar and must be stopped! Get more of His poem here

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