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Thursday, September 3, 2015

His word: The Eternal Redemption by Rev. Paul C. Jong (pt2)

Who Receives God's Grace? Who receives God's grace? The unworthy Does one who lives purely without committing adultery receive His grace, or does the unworthy one who admits oneself to be so sinful receive His grace? The one who receives grace is the one who receives the abundant grace of His redemption. Those who cannot help themselves, the weak and helpless, receive redemption. They are the ones who are in His grace. Those who think that they are without sin cannot be redeemed. How can they receive the grace of His redemption when there is nothing to redeem? The scribes and Pharisees dragged the woman who had been caught in the act of adultery before Jesus and set her in their midst and asked Him, "Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act. Now, what do You say?" Why did they bring the woman before Him and test Him? They themselves had also committed adultery many times, but they were trying to judge and kill her through Jesus while trying to put the blame on Him. Jesus knew what was on their minds and knew all about the woman. So He said, "He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first." Then the scribes and Pharisees, starting from the oldest to the youngest, left one by one and only Jesus and the woman were left. The ones who left were the scribes and Pharisees, the religious leaders. They were about to judge the woman who had been caught in the very act of adultery, as if they themselves were not sinners. Jesus proclaimed His love in this world. He was the Host of love. Jesus gave people food, brought back the dead, gave life back to the son of a widow, revived Lazarus of Bethany, healed lepers, and performed miracles for the poor. He took all the sins of sinners away and gave them salvation. Jesus loves us. He is the almighty One who can do anything, but the Pharisees and scribes thought Him to be their enemy. That is why they brought the woman before Him and tested Him. They asked, "Teacher, Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?" They thought that He would tell them to stone her. Why? If we were to judge according to what is written in the law of God, everyone who has committed adultery would be stoned to death without exception. All have to be stoned to death and all are destined to go to hell. The wages of sin is death. However, Jesus didn't tell them to stone her. Instead, He said, "He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first." Why did God give us the 613 articles of the Law? To make us realize that we are sinners The Law brings about wrath. God is holy and so is His Law. This Holy Law came to us in 613 articles. The reason God has given us 613 articles of the Law is to make us realize that we are sinners; that we are incomplete beings. It teaches us that we have to long for God's grace to be redeemed. If we didn't know this and thought about only what was written in the Law, we would've had to be stoned to death, just as the woman who was caught in the act. The scribes and Pharisees who didn't know the truth of His Law might have thought that they could throw stones at the woman and, probably at us, too. But, who could dare to throw stones at a helpless woman as the same sinful being? Even if she was caught in the act, no one in this world could throw stones at her. If the woman and each one of us were judged only according to the Law, we, as well as the woman, would have received a terrible judgment. But Jesus saved us, we who are sinners, from our sins and from the just judgment. With all our sins, if the law of God is applied strictly to the letter, who among us could stay alive? Every single one of us would end up in hell. But the scribes and Pharisees knew of the Law only as it was written. If His Law was applied correctly, it would kill them just as surely as the one judged by them. In fact, the law of God was given to men so that they could realize their sins, but they have suffered because they have misunderstood and misapplied it. The Pharisees of today, just as the Pharisees in the Bible, only know the Law as it is written. They should understand the grace, the justice and the truth of God. They have to be taught the gospel of redemption to be saved. The Pharisees said, "The law commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?" They asked, confidently holding their stones. They thought for sure that Jesus wouldn't have anything to say about it. They were waiting for Jesus to take their bait. If Jesus had judged according to the Law, they would also have stoned him. Their purpose was to stone both of the woman and Jesus. If Jesus had said not to stone the woman, they would have said that Jesus scorned the Law of God, and stoned Him for blasphemy. It was a terrible plot! But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, and they continued asking Him, "What do You say? What are You writing on the ground? Just answer our question. What do You say?" They pointed their fingers at Jesus and kept harassing Him. Then, Jesus stood up and told them that the one among them without sin should throw a stone at her first. Then He stooped down and continued writing on the ground. Those who heard it, being convicted by their consciences, left one by one, beginning with the oldest, to the very last person. Jesus was left alone, with the woman standing in His presence.

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