Heaven on Earth greetings to you in Jesus’ name.
The month of August has been a month of consolidation of the gains of the wonder-double agenda across over church network worldwide with multiplying signs & wonders and diverse miracles among the people. To God alone be all the glory!
God said to me clearly on Monday, 24th August 2015, “I have come down to make Heaven on Earth a reality both for this church and for the individual members”. We are indeed in our season of divine visitation as a Commission; my prayer is that we all stay spiritually awake to maximize the blessedness of this visitation both as a church and as individuals (Amen) – Gen. 28:16-17
But what is the Spirit of the Lord saying for this new month of September?
The purpose of every product is determined in the factory and not in the market.
It is God that has made us and not we ourselves – Ps. 100:3
We are fearfully and wonderfully made – Ps. 129:4
Therefore, our purpose on earth has been pre-determined from above – Jer. 1:5/ Gal. 1:15
When one is saved, he steps into God’s predestination agenda – Eph. 1:5-6
Redemption makes the believer a child of destiny – Rom. 8:29-30
From scriptures, we discover that we have:
A glorious destiny (2Pet. 1:3/ Rom. 8:29-30).
An enviable destiny (Gen. 26:12-14/ Gal. 4:28).
A royal destiny (Rev. 5:10/ Gen. 17:5-7/ Gal. 3:17).
A prosperous destiny (Gen. 12:1-3/ Gal. 3:13-14).
A mountain top destiny (Deut. 28:1/ Matt. 5:13-16/ Rev. 22:16).
Therefore, as children of God, we are not permitted to live as destitutes.
But vision is the spiritual access to our glorious destiny – Joel 2:1-11
Because walking in God’s plan makes us unstoppable, irresistible, unmolestable and unassaultable – Is. 45:1-3/ Joel 2:10
From scriptures, we understand that we can access the vision of the Lord through Four (4) major ways, among others:
Through the Word of God (The Bible) – Is. 14:24/ Ps. 119:105
Through Heavenly Vision – Joel 2:28/ Acts 16:8-10/ Acts 26:19
Through identification of our unique giftings – Matt. 25:14-30/ Gen. 41:15-16
Through the passion that burns within us as in Nehemiah – Neh. 2:2-3
However, we must understand that God’s plan for every man only becomes accessible after one is born again. As it is written; “Unto you (redeemed) it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without (unbelievers), all these things are done in parables” – Mk. 4:11 (See also: 1Cor. 2:14/ Rom. 8:29-30)
In the light of the above, we should set ourselves for continuous access to God’s next levels plan as it relates to each of us through the encounter with the word this month.
Therefore, the prophetic theme for the month of September 2015 is:
I AM A CHILD OF DESTINY – Rom. 8:29-30
Recommended books of the month authored by David O. Oyedepo include:
In Pursuit of Vision
Understanding Divine Direction
Understanding Vision
and those authored by Kenneth E. Hagin:
Following God’s Plan for your life
How to be led by the Spirit
Remain ever blessed!
Jesus is Lord!
David O. Oyedepo
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