We Have to Be Redeemed before Jesus
Which is greater, the
love of God or the
judgment of God?
The love of God
The Pharisees, with stones in their hands, as well as the religious leaders of today, interpret the Law to the letter. They believe that since the Law tells us not to commit adultery, one who commits such sins will be stoned to death. They steal a glance at women with lewd eyes while pretending not to commit adultery. They cannot be redeemed nor saved. The Pharisees and scribes were the moralists of this world. They were not the ones Jesus called. These people never heard from Him, "I will not condemn you."
Only the woman who was caught in adultery heard those joyous words. If you are honest before Him, you can also be blessed like her. "God, I cannot but commit adultery all my life. That I am not aware of it is just because I do it so often. I commit such a sin several times each day."
When we accept the Law and the fact that we are sinners who must die and honestly face God, saying, "God, this is what I am. Please save me," God will bless us with His redemption.
The love of Jesus, the gospel of the water and the Spirit has won over the just judgment of God. "Neither do I condemn you." He does not condemn us. He says, "You are redeemed." Our Lord Jesus Christ is the God of compassion. He has delivered us from all the sins of the world.
Our God is the God of Justice and the God of Love. The love of the water and the Spirit is even greater than His judgment.
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